Since the advent of INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, the problem of CLEAN WATER and RELATED PROBLEMS get worsten. Unplanned URBANIZATION-cum-INDUSTRIALIZATION along with POPULATION EXPLOSION resulting into WATER POLLUTION, KILLING OF WATER BODIES, DEATHS OF AQUATIC FLORA and FAUNA, UNINHABITABLE RIVERS, DEATHS OF CHILDREN due to UNSAFE DRINKING WATER etc. Today, nearly ONE BILLION PEOPLE lack basic access to safe water. The problem of UNSAFE WATER is a MAN-MADE PROBLEM; so the solution must be developed by man. SAFE DRINKING WATER is the part of Millennium Development Goal under Target 7C ; the target under MDG 7C is- Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. On 28 July 2010, UN General Assembly declares access to clean water and sanitation as a human right.
We are facing a big problem of clean water in 21st Century; WE CAN BRING A MAJOR POSITIVE CHANGE by living ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFE. New Urbanization and Industrialization must fulfill all the parameters of ENVIRONMENT AND WATER BODIES [ underground water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, oceans and glaciers] PROTECTION LAWS and ACTS; old cities and industries must adopt new technologies and infrastructure to treat sewage and pollutants and recycle these; there must be complete ban on release of sewage and industrial influents into water bodies. ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE and FAMILY PLANNING must be made a compulsory fundamental duty for every citizen. Blog Action Day 2010 has announced this year's topic as WATER, at the right time. Clean and Safe water is must for humans and other living beings survival and their right too; OUR FUTURE IS IN CLEAN WATER. Be helpful in achieving MDG target 7C and secure a bright future.
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