
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Plants play larger role than thought in cleaning up air pollution

Plants play larger role than thought in cleaning up air pollution . The uptake of oVOC's was especially rapid in dense forests and most evident near the tops of forest canopies, which accounted for as much as 97 percent of the oVOC uptake that was observed. [Source: Eurek Alert, National Science Foundation and]

Friday, October 15, 2010

Water Footprint

[Fig: Average national water footprint per capita (m3/cap/yr). Green means that the nations's water footprint is equal to or smaller than the global average. Countries with red have a water footprint beyond the global average. Period: 1997-2001]
The water footprint is an indicator of water use and is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. Human impacts on freshwater systems can ultimately be linked to human consumption. Professor Arjen Y. Hoekstra is the creator of the water footprint concept. he mission of the Water Footprint Network is to promote the transition towards sustainable, fair and efficient use of fresh water resources worldwide. Many countries have significantly externalised their water footprint, importing water-intensive goods from elsewhere. This puts pressure on the water resources in the exporting regions, where too often mechanisms for wise water governance and conservation are lacking. Not only governments acknowledge their role in achieving a better management of water resources, also businesses and public-service organisations increasingly recognize their role in the interplay of actors involved in water use and management. Based on the top-down approach, the global average water footprint is found to be 1240 m3/yr/cap. There are large differences between countries. In the USA the average water footprint is 2500 m3/cap/yr. In China the average water footprint is 700 m3/cap/yr.

So, Save Water, Save Future. Support Blog Action Day 2010 on Water. [Source of image, graph and video: Water Footprint]

Clean Water- A Big Challenge

Since the advent of INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, the problem of CLEAN WATER and RELATED PROBLEMS get worsten. Unplanned URBANIZATION-cum-INDUSTRIALIZATION along with POPULATION EXPLOSION resulting into WATER POLLUTION, KILLING OF WATER BODIES, DEATHS OF AQUATIC FLORA and FAUNA, UNINHABITABLE RIVERS, DEATHS OF CHILDREN due to UNSAFE DRINKING WATER etc. Today, nearly ONE BILLION PEOPLE lack basic access to safe water. The problem of UNSAFE WATER is a MAN-MADE PROBLEM; so the solution must be developed by man. SAFE DRINKING WATER is the part of Millennium Development Goal under Target 7C ; the target under MDG 7C is- Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. On 28 July 2010, UN General Assembly declares access to clean water and sanitation as a human right.
We are facing a big problem of clean water in 21st Century; WE CAN BRING A MAJOR POSITIVE CHANGE by living ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFE. New Urbanization and Industrialization must fulfill all the parameters of ENVIRONMENT AND WATER BODIES [ underground water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, oceans and glaciers] PROTECTION LAWS and ACTS; old cities and industries must adopt new technologies and infrastructure to treat sewage and pollutants and recycle these; there must be complete ban on release of sewage and industrial influents into water bodies. ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE and FAMILY PLANNING must be made a compulsory fundamental duty for every citizen. Blog Action Day 2010 has announced this year's topic as WATER, at the right time. Clean and Safe water is must for humans and other living beings survival and their right too; OUR FUTURE IS IN CLEAN WATER. Be helpful in achieving MDG target 7C and secure a bright future.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Campaign to save trees on 10-10-10

People in Etawah participated in `mission green 10:10:10 campaign' and tied red tapes on tree trunks across the district on Sunday- Times News Network. . Red Tape Movement was started by me in Etawah on 5th June, 2008. Protection of trees and biodiversity conservation are the main activities of this movement. This movement has now crossed border and reaches to Perth, Australia where one Facebook friend Ilona Slany McGavock, a human Doctor, started this with full zeal and enthusiasm on 10-10-10. Thanks to times news network for coverage and all the participants.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Successful Red Tape Movement- thanks to all

Today, is a great day when whole world is seriously thinking about how to cut carbon emissions by 10% in the year 2010. Today is Global Work Party and 10:10:10 Campaign. I also participated in this through RED TAPE MOVEMENT which was organized at District Hospital Road and in Company Garden in Etawah. Photos of the movement can be seen at Flickr. In Australia the same movement has been organized by Ms. Ilona Slany McGavock; personal thanks and Appreciation to you Ilona and Rosie[ your daughter]. I am thanking to all my Facebook friends who supported my Group and Cause, "Red Tape Movement", as well as to those who supported me on I thanks and appreciate to Dr. Rajeev Chauhan [ Secretary General, Society for Conservation of Nature, Etawah ] and Mr. Sanjay Saxena [ President, Swami Vivekanand Sewa Sansthan, Etawah ] for supporting me and making the event successful. I am also thankful to Dr. Ajai Mishra [Vikas Udhyog Samiti], Mr. Vivek Ranjan Gupta, Mr. Nirmal Singh, Mr. Anil Singh, Mr. Vineet Chauhan, Mr. Dharam Pal Chauhan, Mr. Ashutosh Dixit and Md. Altaf for their support. Most important, i am personally thankful to my Chief Guest Mr. Anwar Warsi, District Youth Coordinator, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Etawah. Photos from Australia are on Facebook.

Red Tape Movement, 10:10:10 Campaign, Global Work Party and

The Red Tape Movement will tie red tape on tree trunks across the Etawah city and will send out a message about the importance of trees. We will also pledge to promote afforestation and adapt an eco-friendly green life. The main theme of RED TAPE MOVEMENT for "10:10:10 campaign" will be, "SAVE TREES, SAVE BIODIVERSITY, SAVE FUTURE". Respected friends, participate in this movement and help to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010 COZ TREES ARE BIGGEST NATURAL SINK OF CARBON DI-OXIDE. On this special day we will give the message that to cut tree is dangerous for the survival of living beings on Earth; our ONE-MINUTE care of a tree will be helpful to save lives of many; SO SAVE TREES and SAVE YOUR FUTURE. So, kindly participate in this by tying RED-TAPE on a tree trunk and take oath to protect trees, ON Sunday 10, Oct, 2010 at your residential place at 10.00 A.M. [ according to your country time zone ]. This movement is going to be supported by Dr. Rajeev Chauhan and Mr. Sanjay Saxena [Press Reporter], both from Etawah, Dr. Manoj Dixit from Manpuri and Ms. Ilona Slany McGavock from Perth, Australia. All friends are welcome to join this.

Red Tape Movement in Australia

Dear friends, one facebook friend, named Ilona Slany McGavock is organizing the RED TAPE MOVEMENT at Carawatha Primary School Site Lot 300 (10) Archibald Street, Willagee Perth, WA, 6156 Australia at 2pm on Sunday 10/10/10 to red tape the two hundred trees. Thanks Ilona for your support to my movement.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Get Working in Your Community for 10/10/10

This is the part of the original article- How to Get Working in Your Community for 10/10/10 by Jess Leber to promote 10/10/10 campaign- "This is shaping up to be huge. According to's web site, there are right now 5,479 events planned in 176 countries for the big day (only 14 countries are missing!).
So as the big day finally approaches a week from this Sunday, I wanted to give you an update and provide some tips about how to find a good event, and also how to organize your own. It's definitely not too late.

First: You can check out's map of events to see if there is a cool one already organized near where you live (there are more than 1,000 in the United States alone). Personally, I'm going to the Washington, D.C. festivities where I live, which include a big rally at the White House, a community garden fall harvest, and a promotional ride to publicize my city's new bikeshare program.

Second: If there's nothing near you yet, you can register your own event, and check out this guide for how to organize and promote it. With a week of planning, some totally doable ideas include community gardening, bicycle repair workshops or bike lane painting, trash cleanup days, light bulb swap-outs, among other ideas discussed here". [ Source of images- and]