
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Plant A Pledge- IUCN

Mankind has removed more than half of the planet's original forest cover. All the time this land stays barren and unrestored, the lives of millions of people and the survival of entire communities, cultures and ecosystems, remain under threat.
We can restore many of these landscapes. A restored landscape can accommodate a mosaic of different land uses. Forest and landscape restoration turns barren or degraded areas of land into healthy, fertile, working landscapes that can meet the needs of people and the natural environment.
In 2011, an international assembly of high-level representatives from governments, businesses and conservation groups set a target to restore 150 million hectares of degraded lands by 2020. This agreement is called the Bonn Challenge.
Reaching the target will demand the success of dozens, possibly hundreds of landscape restoration projects around the world.
It's going to take the biggest restoration initiative the world has ever seen.
And it will take pledges of support from millions of people, businesses and organisations to put pressure on governments to make it happen.
And it all starts when you Plant A Pledge with us today.

Source: IUCN and Plant A Pledge