On Earth Hour Day, we will organize Earth Hour in block Mahewa. The event will be organised in a ravine forest village named, "Aasayi" [Block- Mahewa, District- Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India]. This development block is the FIRST DEVELOPMENT BLOCK of INDIA. Currently, i have the additional charge of B.D.O. [ Block Development Officer ] of Mahewa. On this day, we will tie the RED TAPES on trees trunks, through RED TAPE MOVEMENT, to give the message that to cut trees is DANGEROUS to the survival of life on this BLUE PLANET. RED TAPE MOVEMENT is run and was started by me to save trees and biodiversity, in Etawah. We will pursue grass root level people to switch off their bulbs, between the period of 8.30 P.M. to 9.30 P.M. on 31/03/2012